Friday, September 24, 2010

brendan james concert!

On Wednesday night, Molly and I went back to what is pretty much our favorite place, Jammin' Java in Vienna, and saw Brendan James!  You've probably already seen Brendan on my blog a couple times, but he's also a UNC alum who was a member of the Clef Hangers a cappella group, and I think it took a mere 24 hours after I introduced his music to Molly for her to become just as obsessed as I am.  It's rare that you find a singer who sounds just as wonderful live as he does on his album, but, if it's possible, Brendan sounds even better.  His songs are a mix of quick, carefree, roll-down-the-windows-and-drive-anywhere tunes and slower, more poignant ones, and he's also one of the few artists for whom I've downloaded the entire album.  Pretty sure I can count them on one hand.  So, of course, we were blown away by his concert, and, of course, I took pictures!

The opening act was Jason Ager.  Jury's still out on him, actually.

Cue awkward self-portraits to prove we were there...


And, of course, we got a picture with him afterward!  I felt less awkward talking to him since the fact that we both went to UNC gave me something to say, but I have to admit that after I said that and introduced him to Molly, I ran out of things to say and TOTALLY threw her under the bus!  I got a severe case of word vomit and told him how Molly had written his lyrics on my facebook wall and admitted to having his music on repeat all day.  She just looked at me and said, "Really?!  REALLY, LAUREN?!?"  I felt so terrible, especially because Molly HATES getting her picture taken with famous people.  She calls it "Mickey Mouse"-ing, a la Disney World.  I did apologize profusely, and I'm banking on the fact that Brendan has forgotten all about it today!  And he did go in for a big hug after I told him I was a UNC alum, so that was happy!

Anyway, here are a couple videos of his performance.  The second one is hilarious, because he did a spontaneous cover of Jamie Foxx and T-Pain's "Blame It on the Alcohol".  Totally brill!

Have a great weekend, and go download some Brendan James!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

I don't think I've ever not seen you wear your pearl studs!

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