Thursday, September 30, 2010

a girl and her accessories

As long as I can remember, I've been obsessed with hair accessories.  I was that girl in high school who put maroon and silver ribbons in her hair every Friday before a football game, and I'm pretty sure Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen were my hair idols in middle school (judge as you will... their butterfly clips were fabulous). 

Well, some things just don't change, though I hope I make better choices these days!  Forever 21 is actually one of my favorite places to get unique, affordable headbands and clips, and I pretty much have one for every outfit!  When I started my job here, though, I gave it a couple weeks before I pulled out the super distracting ones just so no one would prematurely decide I was a nut job.  They're pretty used to them now!

Anyway, in the past couple weeks, I think I've accumulated more hair accessories than normal, and I just have to share them!

This one was actually given to me by one of my coworkers, Kira, who is super tiny and decided it was too big for her head.  I love a good hair flower!

This next one is from Julian's in Chapel Hill, which is probably the frattiest store in North Carolina.  It's full of beautiful clothing, both Carolina-related and not!  Alexander Julian even designed the men's basketball uniforms (hence the argyle).  Bekah helped me pick from all the ones they had, and I'll so enjoy wearing it on game days!

Ok, so this last one is going to blow your mind.  Remember Lady Gaga's (quite literal) hair bow?


My FABULOUS friend from college, Laura, sent me this headband from a Halloween store in Chapel Hill!  She wore one to the Lady Gaga concert in Raleigh, and I just died when I saw the pictures on facebook.  She immediately sent me one of my own, and I couldn't be more thankful or excited!  I guess we know what I'm going to be for Halloween!

1 comment:

Nate H. said...

Wow, that's a...nice...*cough* "hair bow" there. :) Just kidding, should be awesome at the Halloween party. You'll definitely have to share pictures of that.

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