Thursday, August 26, 2010

bag lady

I can't remember a time in my life when my mom didn't make fun of me for how much stuff I keep in my purse.  I'll admit that it's usually too much, but I've made a lot of friends off of the endless supply of pens, craft supplies, and chewing gum I keep in there.  Plus, living in a big city requires a few unique things, so, without further ado, meet the contents of my too-big-but-not-really-best-bag-ever.

1. If you've ever watched DC Cupcakes on TLC, you might recogize this coffee cup sleeve!  It's from Georgetown Cupcake on the northwest side of DC, and if you ever visit me, I promise I will take you there!  Everybody in this town has a cupcake shop preference (and there are plenty to go around), but I have yet to taste any as good as Georgetown Cupcake's red velvet or carrot.

2. My SmarTrip card!  This is for frequent riders of the Metro buses and Metro rail lines.  It's supposed to save me money, but they raise the rates every three weeks, so I'm not really sure how much good it's doing.  But it's easy, and it saves you from being that doofus with all the change holding up the bus boarding line.

3. The welcome-wagon parking ticket I got from Arlington County after only living here two weeks.  They assumed my registration was overdue because the sticker said July, but they didn't know NC cars have a two-week grace period for renewal.  So thanks, government, in your infinite wisdom, for handing out parking tickets to out-of-state-cars under laws about which you have no knowledge.

4. The window marker I used to decorate Amanda's car before we headed off to her bachelorette party!  I'm not really sure why it's still in my purse, but if I ever find the car belonging to the cop who gave me that parking ticket...

5. My Wakefield Baptist Church pen!  Comes in handy on the ride home when I usually do the Washington Post crossword.

6. This book stayed in my purse for two days.  You know how after you've graduated and you have a real job you think, hmmm, maybe one of those textbooks I accidentally kept from college might be interesting to this new, more mature version of myself?  Yeah, it won't be.

7. My croakies from Julian's on Franklin Street!  Not a lot needs to be said about these... if you know how important they are, you probably have them. 

8. The birthday candles mom gave me to use on my actual birthday! Unfortunately, as candles do, they had crumbled in my purse by the time my birthday rolled around, and also we didn't have matches. But the cake was delicious!

9.  What?  You mean you don't keep three strands of pearls in your purse?  For those of you thinking, "Oh Lauren, you would," I can hear you.

10. I meant to stick this in whatever fabric that is that lines my cubicle.  As of today, it's done!

11. Remember those adorable shoes I mentioned a few posts ago that wouldn't be so adorable two blocks later?  Consider yourselves introduced.  They spend both halves of my commute in my purse.

And there it is!  Of course, I didn't pull out the boring stuff like my wallet and my glasses and my phone, but they're all there, making that little indentation in my shoulder deeper everyday.

Also, a very happy birthday to two of my besties, Rachel and Katharine!  I love you two!

1 comment:

Bo and Liz said...

receipts, starbucks cups, ticket stubs, I could go on and on ... but I will not! The Vera Wang Bag is totally you!

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