Tuesday, August 31, 2010

friday adventure: part 1

This past Friday at work was a pretty hard one, so Molly, being the selfless person that she is, took my coworker, Lauren, and me to Georgetown Cupcake (even though her personal favorite is Hello Cupcake in Dupont Circle) right after!  She even left work early and picked us up right outside our office.  I seriously wish all of you could have a Molly!

Here's Lauren and me... to make it harder on our coworkers, we started at ICMA with the same name AND on the same day!  But she is wonderful and lets me distract her pretty much all the time.

I really didn't know that weirdo jumped in our picture on the other side of the window.  Well played.

Molly even talked her way into free cupcakes!  All she did was ask the cupcake packing lady how her day was going and if people were being nice to her, and BOOM.  Four free cupcakes.  Little tip from me to you.

Then, we said goodbye to Lauren, but Molly and I were still waiting on Clara to get off for her dinner break, so we played around at the National Cathedral!  I hardly edited these photos... the sky was really that blue!

Mom, any thoughts on what this flower is?  I'm in love with it!

That wasn't even close to the end of our Friday, so come back for the rest later!


Bo and Liz said...

some type of contorted orchid? that's all I've got!

Lauren said...

good enough for me!

Bekah said...

This is what it is: contorted corkscrew snail vine (google image search it!)

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