Thursday, January 12, 2012

we're not breaking up yet.

Helloooooo, dear readers! I know, my rear has been even more MIA than this girl’s.

 But I felt like I needed to check in with you all and say,first of all, how touched I am that you guys keep checking my blog every dayeven though I’ve all but abandoned it!  Ipromise, promise, promise I’m not leaving the blogging world.  In fact, I haven’t even written my last postfor this blog yet!  I have a couple moreup my sleeve.  ;)  But I’m also starting work on my new blog,which I’m hoping I can show you early next week!  It’s not just going to be fancier, butschmancier too.

I’ve already picked out a name for it, but I’m keeping itunder wraps until it goes live.  But no,all you snarky snarks, it will not be called Winstead and Walter.  It won’t even have my name in it.  Will it be cheesy?  Like a good Wisconsinwheel. 

So, hang in there!  It’snot over yet (but it probably will be on Monday)!

1 comment:

Amy said...

The suspense is KILLING me, Lauren!

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