Monday, June 20, 2011

bloomberg government summer party

Most of you have probably heard of Bloomberg News, which operates for the most part like a normal 24-hour tv and internet news network, but with a heavy focus on business and politics (especially since Michael Bloomberg is the mayor of the Big Apple).  Well, since this is DC and we're a little fonder of government news down here, Bloomberg Government, a separate branch of Bloomberg News, is headquartered here.  About a month ago, the Strategic Partners Coordinator in my office asked if anyone wanted a free trial subscription to the Bloomberg Government website so they could test out how useful it would be for local governments, and I pretty much fell all over myself trying to get that username and password.  Well, I got it, and two weeks later, they invited me to their summer party at their new office on K Street! 

It. Was. Awesome.  I even gave up happy hour with my softball team to go, and I took Grant with me!  I kid you not, there was a person dressed up as a mermaid statue right at the entrance, and she scared the living daylights out of me.  Fortunately, the bar was open.  We met some people from the Senate finance office and basically just wandered around in awe of how beautiful the office was!  I tried to act super cool and like I belonged there, but I couldn't help but sneak this picture, which does not do it justice at all.

No cubicles anywhere!  I haven't decided how I feel about that because I adore being able to decorate my own cube, but this just seems really open and inviting.  Plus, all the conference rooms have plexiglass walls and are named after DC neighborhoods, which I just think is stellar.

Don't we look presh?!  We were exceptionally fashionably late because of my softball game, so we were only there an hour.  But that was long enough to snag our party favor flip flops!

I've felt about 34,724 times snazzier since this party.

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