Wednesday, June 1, 2011

how I met your mother

Does anyone else think this show is absolutely hilarious?  I'll go ahead and admit that I'm super, SUPER behind and just started watching this show this past weekend.  And by SUPER behind, I mean that I was a freshman in college when this show started.  So, I have six seasons to catch up on.

It reminds me so much of Friends, which, let's be honest, no one on earth thought was a bad show.  A couple people in my office are totally obsessed with How I Met Your Mother, and then Megan showed up at my cubicle the other day with that picture of NPH as Barney Stinson, and I figured if I was going to tape him to my cubicle cabinet, I should at least watch the show and figure out why he's so darn awesome.  I'm usually wary of CBS comedies because they all seem the same and all have a laugh track, but this one I think is a keeper.

But nothing will ever beat Parks & Recreation.  Nothing.

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