Monday, June 27, 2011

new toys!

For a while, I had been struggling with a constant dilemma over whether or not to bring my nice Canon camera around with me to everyday life-type stuff because I didn't really want to carry it around in its separate camera bag while also carrying my purse.  Nor did I want to do the unthinkable and tourist it up with my camera around my neck while my purse rode on my shoulder, like normal.  But once I discovered the B-Hobo bag from Kelly Moore Bag, I fell a little bit in love and knew I would have to have it eventually!  I finally took the plunge last week, and I couldn't be happier with it!

It looks JUST like a purse on the outside, but the inside is magic...

It has extra padding everywhere, it has a zipper AND a magnetic flap closure for extra security, and the removable velcro inserts make it so versatile.  It also came with two straps, one long and one short, so it's easy to make it look like a purse when I need it to be.  Plus, it has a ton of pockets to hold batteries, memory cards, lens caps, etc. while also holding my keys and my cell phone.  So now, if I want to take my camera to a party but don't necessarily want to carry two bags, I don't have to!  I'm in love.

I may or may not have also cashed in my credit card points and bought this bad boy, and let's just say none of my pictures have been the same since.  It's a miracle!

Ok, thanks for letting me geek out on you today.  I had a photo session with a sweet family this past weekend, so get excited for that on the blog this week!  Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Bo and Liz said...

love the new bag! It's very you!

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