Thursday, August 19, 2010

molly's banner day

Molly is still getting used to her job, which means that, for most of the day, she sits around and waits for something to do.  If you know Molly, you know that's probably pretty close to her worst nightmare, because she's almost always up for an adventure.  So, last night, that's what she got! 

Fun fact about Molly:  She doesn't cook that much.  And by "that much" I mean, maybe twice in her life.  But last night, she made chicken picatta with capers and angel hair pasta, and it was DELICIOUS.

Since she and I are the only ones in the house working normal hours right now, she was really gracious and shared with me!  You'd think this would be enough to label this day a success, but no, oh no, we were not done.

We decided to have dinner and a movie in the living room, until we remembered that we did not, in fact, have a DVD player in the living room yet.  So, we watched What Not to Wear, got our criticize on, and then headed to Target to solve our problem.  And we did, for $45 and a gift card (thanks, Aunt Nancy)!  Not only that, but we hooked it up with no ugly wires showing and no men.  Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be here all week.

Here's another thing... I'm STILL NOT DONE.  It had been a long time since my hair had been highlighted, and the only person I've ever trusted to do it is my mom.  But since I'm trying to be a big girl now, Molly decided she was up to the challenge of yanking my hair through that chia pet cap.  She did an amazing job!

Here's my hair cooking:

And here's the after!

Needless to say, I'm happy to be blonder today!

Ok, we are off to meet Clara on Capitol Hill for dinner!  Happy almost Friday, my loves!

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