Wednesday, April 27, 2011

easter in raleigh!

I had such a fabulous Easter!  The weather in Raleigh was absolutely gorgeous last weekend, so we were even able to take the boat out on Falls Lake for the first time this year.  The water was still too cold for swimming, but Bekah and I definitely stuck our feet in and got our tan on.  (Did I mention I got to see my BFF Bekah?  I heart her.)

Mama and Dot Dot!

We took this picture about a billion times... it's just really hard to look glamorous when you're sweaty and wearing a t-shirt.


(I basically gave Bekah her own photo shoot.)

"Oh you being all selective 'cause you got a ponytail..."

And THEN.  We went to the happiest place on Earth.  Sweet Spoons.  And I ate EVERY TOPPING.

This was Bekah's... super healthy!

This was Mom's... extra classic and not too sweet...

...and Leanna's was the prettiest!

They also had Saran wrap stretched over the tables, so we got to draw on them...

And I hung this little cutie on the wall!

Leanna and I also played some softball, watched movies, and took our parents to school in Scattergories.  (Not really.  Mom always cheats by picking words that theoretically work but are practically impossible.)  Church was fantastic as usual, and Mom made sure we each had a chocolate bunny at the table on Easter morning!

And then, as I was passing through Richmond on the way back to DC, this happened...

A state trooper cut me off while I was driving in the left lane, and at first I thought he was trying to pull that large truck full of orange cones over, because he kept flashing his lights and then turning them off.  But then, he started zig-zagging through all of the lanes to keep anyone from passing him, so I just stayed behind him until he basically turned 90 degrees and totally cut me off in the middle of my lane.  Then, he got out of the car, pointed at me sharply, and mouthed, "YOU.  WATCH ME."  Ummmm, ok?  God, can I ask you a question real fast?  Why did I have to be the person right behind this state trooper?  Why did I leave the house at the exact second that made me responsible for making sure all these people behind me don't move?  Did I really need to pull over and get gas when I did?  Because then I would already be past this mess.  WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?  Then, I realized that this was not, in fact, a drug bust or a police chase, but just a road crew filling potholes on I-95 in the middle of the day.  Alright, cool.  I'll just let all these people behind me depend on me to know when we can move again.

Also, I will take my driving record into my own hands by taking pictures on my cell phone ten feet behind a state trooper.  I am brilliant.

So, then that was over and I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a certificate redeemable for one free speeding ticket for being such a model citizen.  I also saw a plane fall out of the sky before realizing it was an enormous toy plane that couldn't kill anyone.

You know, you try to be safe and drive back in the middle of the day instead of at night, and God just goes., "HAHA!  Watch this.  You're gonna love it."

And on the fourth day, Jesus arrived in Heaven and punk'd the fool out of Lauren.

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