Monday, November 28, 2011


What a wonderful Thanksgiving I had!  I got in to Raleigh early Wednesday morning, and flew back to DC early this morning, so I had five full days of homey goodness!  My mom and I biked the new Raleigh Greenway on Wednesday morning, and then I got to have lunch with Amanda and see her brand new house!  Both were gorgeous.  And the weather was in the sixties and seventies all week, so I didn't even pack a coat!

On Thursday, we headed to my Granddad's place in Burlington and saw my cousins!  Plus, we had family photo time.  Probably our first in several years, but we're all headed to the beach together for Christmas, so there will be plenty more of that!

Mom did an amazing job cooking everything ahead of time, so we just heated it up once we got to B-town, and we were good to go!

The celery sticks with pimento cheese were my department.

Cutie patootie parents!

Setting up the auto timer on the camera = off-center pictures.  Still, documentation that it happened.

Family photo time with the Townsends (minus Sam).  :(

What happens when you set the camera to take ten pictures, rapid-fire.

Townsends!  (with Winstead dog stand-ins.)

The fam!  Definitely Christmas card-worthy.

I think Dottie knew it was picture time.  She's never been that composed in her life.

We were asked to take a cousin picture, so we made Robert plank.  Wish you were there, Sam!

Grandmama's bench.  Thanksgiving always means it's the anniversary of both of my grandmothers' passings, but we sang Grandmama's favorite hymn in church on Sunday!


Granddaddy's neighborhood always does the best decorations around the holidays!  We took a little tour...

Now it's time to decorate my house and my cube at work!


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