Wednesday, May 4, 2011

trip to ohio: part one

Every year, Molly and Clara's alma mater, Cedarville University, hosts a big end-of-the-year talent/awards celebration called Elliv ("Ville" backwards), and since pretty much half of the friends I've made since moving to DC went there or currently go there, Molly was sweet enough to invite me to come along!  I've only done that drive to the Midwest once in my life, and it was SUPER long, but let's be honest, West Virginia is beautiful.  And you're in it for a long time.

We did lots of car singing to this song and this song.

I was also ordered to take pictures of the sunset, which are not fantastic...

Paul VERY graciously let us stay at his house, and we gave him his bottle of Riesling for winning our house basketball tournament pool!

On Saturday morning, Molly, Paul, Clara, Katy, and I all slept in and made brunch together, and it was DELICIOUS.  Our mothers would have been proud.  These biscuits were my project...

...and the Skier's Skillet was Molly's!

Love them!

They posed patiently while I set up my camera...

Yay us!

We were also entertained by the musical stylings of Paul and Molly...

Then Molly did Katy's hair for the big show!

But you'll have to wait until Friday to see the show (and what we wore)! 

Also, my softball team at work has its first game tonight, so I'll let you know how we do!  (I am not always a gracious loser.  If you have any questions about that, speak to my mother, please.)

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