Friday, July 8, 2011

dangerously delicious pies

Some of you DC-ers may already know about this place, and some of you may not, but for all the out-of-towners, I feel a moral responsibility to clue you in on a little door to Heaven on Capitol Hill (on H St. NE between 13th and 14th) called Dangerously Delicious Pies.  It's exactly what you think it is (and probably more), because not only do they have apple pie and Key Lime pie and mixed berry pie and all the other lovelies you would expect, they have chicken pot pie and quiches with Gruyere cheese and barbecue pork pie (approved by this North Carolinian, even though the pork may be closer to Memphis-style).

In fact, everyone who was staying with us for July 4 went on Sunday night, and then Molly and I went back with our friend, Steph, last night!  On Sunday, I got the Baltimore Bomb, which is a ridiculously amazing mix of fudge and some other yummy stuff that I do not remember because it didn't stay on my plate very long.

Last night, I tried the Key Lime pie, just because I'm always curious how each Key Lime pie stacks up to the ones that are actually from Florida (I'm a former Floridian, too), and I have to say, I was pretty impressed!

So, even though when you're there you might feel like you've wandered outside your cozy pocket of tourists and their big-as-anvils Nikon cameras, I promise you'll have found a place just as delicious as Georgetown Cupcake, but without the TV show and the drooling 9-year-olds. 

(But don't get me wrong, you can steal me away to Gtown Cupcake whenever your little heart desires.)

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