Wednesday, July 13, 2011

rehoboth beach

So, after a crazy week of weddings and fireworks and a house full of visitors, a beach weekend was definitely in order!  Molly and I had been dying to go to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware, and three of my very best friends from work came along with us!  We had a BLAST!  We couldn't have begged, borrowed, or stolen better weather, and even though the beach was packed, we loved just sitting there reading our books and working on our tans.  It was a perfect Saturday!

The water was only about 69 degrees (I may or may not have said something snarky to Molly about how cold water would be impossible in July... turns out I'm not an oceanographer), but that didn't really keep us out of it!  But the fact that I couldn't see what was swimming around me absolutely kept me out of it.  Ever since I lived in Florida during an overwhelming summer of shark attacks, I've been less than calm in the ocean.  I do not mess around.

The boardwalk concept was also really new to me (even though I love and appreciate Jersey Shore), but I liked it!

After we rinsed off and changed, we headed inland to Que Pasa for some delicious Mexican seafood!

Their margaritas were DELICIOUS!

And I loved that we still got to stick our feet in the sand during dinner.

It'll be ok if you want to believe that Amy said something really inappropriate before this picture was taken (because, let's be honest, she probably did), but Megan just really did not want to be in it.  TOUGH TOOTIES!

I love these three!  Lauren and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary at ICMA in 2 weeks!

We saw the most beautiful sunset on the way home!

And this week has been one of healing from the sunburn.  So worth it.

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