So, you may or may not have heard that the upper east coast has absolutely been slammed with winter weather recently (if you haven't, just reach your little hands out from under that rock and pull). Last Wednesday, it actually started coming down around 3:00 in the afternoon, and the federal government (pulling a total public school system move) shut down RIGHT as everyone was about to head home. I was stuck in a meeting until about 3:30, so I didn't leave the office until 4, and I knew the metro was likely to be backed up, but whatever. I love snow, so it really didn't bother me. But once I got to the Pentagon and had to wait on the bus for about 45 minutes, it started to get frustrating, and the Solitaire app on my iPod was losing its luster. Plus, I could see I-395 from the Pentagon, and it was moving at a glacial pace. Then, Molly called me and told me she was dropping some coworkers off near Pentagon City, so I just decided to hop back on the metro and meet her there so we could drive home together. In hindsight, getting on the bus probably would have been faster, but instead, we got to brave the crazy traffic with each other, a fully-charged iPod (special thanks to Ke$ha, Ben Rector, and Bruno Mars as always), and some Lindt truffles. Oh, and my mom and friend, David, who both called and kept us entertained.
Well, once we got back to the neighborhood four hours later (not kidding, we started at 5 and got home at 9), we decided it would probably be a good idea to head to the grocery store down the street and stock up for the next couple days. That was a really great idea until we started driving home, which involved a giant hill and a driver in front of us who was having a love affair with her brake pedal. Really?!? What part of common sense tells you that driving uphill on a slippery surface might be a great time to slow your car down and see what happens? So, naturally, this lady got stuck, and we got stuck behind her. And after about twenty minutes of driving backwards down the hill, we finally turned around and braved 395 so we could go in the front entrance of our neighborhood, which (SHOCKER), is all uphill. So that meant we had to park at the bottom and walk the quarter mile to our house, which wouldn't have been a big deal except for the weight of our groceries, and OH YEAH THE BLIZZARD.
Try not to be jeal.
mmmm, yeahhh, work it.
Well, turns out Molly makes really good baked barbecue chicken and mashed potatoes, so we had that for dinner and curled up with an episode of Modern Family. And then, I took some lovely pictures of the snow.
The next day, the federal government was on a two-hour delay, so my office was, too. But, I was actually supposed to take a half day anyway to work on my six-month performance evaluation paperwork (I know, can you believe it's been six months?!?), so I just stayed home and had a snow day! I saw my very first episode of Beverly Hills 90210 and got to go outside and take some more pictures of the lovely scenery!
We have decided that this fire hydrant fits our color scheme and that it might need to relocate to our house. If that wasn't probably a felony, it would happen.
This poor little tree is just trying to grow.
And my poor car. I didn't dig it out until Saturday. And now they're saying we're in for more freezing rain/snow this Tuesday and Wednesday! Gimme gimme!