Seriously, how cool is this place?!?
Anyway, so Jackie happened to be training a few new hires at the salon while she was in town, and she needed some luscious heads of hair to come be her students' guinea pigs for a night. Uhhhh, do you THINK I said no?!?
Clara came with me, and we just had a blast! I found out more than I ever wanted to know about my hair, and now I know I need some crazy expensive products to make it look super cute. Awesome.
But seriously, our stylists were hilarious, and we left with hair that smelled like what I'm pretty sure angel hair smells like.
Jackie's self-portrait while eating...
Clara's excited to get her hurr did!
You so pretty.
Wow, rolled hair is not our best look. But then our fairy godmother waved her little wand, and...
Happy Friday!
Look at your pretty hairs! Totes jely. UGH. I'm in a hair rut...
Love was so much fun!
This is so funny! Hurr did!!! LUV YOU!!
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