Friday, February 4, 2011

go packers!

A bunch of you know I have two Jack Russell Terriers, Reba and Dottie, who live with my parents in Raleigh.  Reba is 15, and Dottie is 4.

They are two of the things I love most in the world.  Actually, I really love all JRTs.  It really doesn't make a difference.  If I'm destined to be the dog version of the Crazy Cat Lady one day, that will be a fate I'll welcome with open arms.

So, when Jay Leno had Anastastia the JRT on his show Wednesday night to predict the Super Bowl winner, I knew I had to share!  It was so hilarious, and SO something my dogs would do!  Apparently, Anastastia really likes popping balloons, which makes total sense to anyone who's been around a JRT for more than three seconds.  So, Jay printed each team's logo on half of the balloons, and the last balloon Anastasia would pop would be the Super Bowl champion... and I hope she's right!  I don't have anything against the Steelers (except that Roethlisberger is a little bit of a scuzz bucket), but they've won a LOT recently.  Anyway, I'm really posting this because the video is so chock full of adorable that I couldn't keep it to myself.  Happy Friday, and enjoy the big game!

1 comment:

Bo and Liz said...

Thanks for posting this video. Now I know what to get Dottie for her birthday! Balloons!

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