Friday, October 7, 2011

the best day at work EVER.

Yesterday felt like one of those days where you go to school, but maybe it's Halloween and you're all dressed up like silly kids, and then the teacher does a Halloween-themed math lesson, but you know you're gonna get to watch Casper later so it's all ok.

Seriously, we basically partied for four hours.

In the morning, we had a two-hour meeting where we found out that not only are we all getting raises and bonuses, but in commemoration of Steve Jobs's passing (not really, it just happened that way), we're all getting these puppies.

Yes, please.  What recession?

So then, we went and partied on the back patio for an hour and a half and maybe squeezed a few hours of work in there somewhere, but we mostly spent that time talking about which color iPad protectors we would be ordering.  Or whether we'd individually be ordering iPads or taking the money and running.

You know, first world problems.

On another note, today is Molly's last day at Capterra!!!  She starts a brand new job on Tuesday, and I start my Princeton Review training tonight.


1 comment:

Molls said...

WOOOOOT WOOOOOOOT!!!! We are basically rock stars. <3

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