Thursday, October 6, 2011

fall shopping!

Last weekend, Megan, Tricia, and I went to go see I Don't Know How She Does It at Tyson's Corner (totally cute movie, and I looooooove SJP.  She doesn't have a horsey face, so don't say it.), and we did a little shopping afterward since Columbus Day sales are coming up and the stores are still getting rid of some of their summer stuff.  And most of it easily transitions to winter with a cardigan, so I was able to buy about eight new things for $100!  I tried to find pictures of all of them on the internet, but that's how on sale they were... some of them aren't even in stock anymore!

I found this adorable top at Gap, and I loved it so much...

... I bought a black one, too.

And I also found this really cute top, but the buttons were sort of falling off, so I called my sewing machine* to ask if she would be willing to help me fix them, and she said, "Yeah, girl!" so the cashier gave me 20% off and we trotted off happily together.

And these cozy sweaters were at Banana Republic (they're more shimmery than they look), so I bought a couple.

Guess I'm having a beige-y fall!

*My sewing machine does not actually have a cell phone or a voice, but we communicate.  With fabric and seam rippers.

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