Thursday, September 16, 2010

good times on the metro

I know I've already told y'all a lot about the idiosyncracies of the DC Metro system, and believe me, I discover new ones everyday!  I've even figured out exactly where to stand on the platform so that when I get off at my stop, I'm right next to the escalator and can beast my way to the exit before anyone even knows I was there.  And I've pretty much turned my bus rides into a game, because I always try to finish the Washington Post crossword before I have to get off (I hardly ever do it, and yes, I realize I'm a giant nerd).  Plus, I always wonder if the person next to me is looking over my shoulder and secretly agonizing over the words they know that I haven't filled in yet.  I'd do that if I were them.

Anyway, some people even take their Metro experiences to the next level, capturing them on video for the rest of us to enjoy.  Here are a couple of my favorites!

(I've never actually been on the Metro late enough to see that happen, but believe me, I'll let you know when I do!)

1 comment:

LovelyBee said...

Omg!!! That drunk guy is too nuts :)

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