I told Clara when she left last week to spend the week in Florida with Bob that I expected her to come back with a ring, and she (as most brides do) dismissed it as a tiny possibility, but not an inevitability. I told her I was pretty good at this stuff, because I definitely predicted my friend Lauren's engagement. And I was right AGAIN. Two for two. That gets me like 80% off at Tiffany, right? Or something?
Anyway, Clara told me that Bob proposed by writing what he wanted to say inside a new Bible that had "Clara Lutz" (her married name) engraved on the outside. He wanted her to read it, but she was too excited and emotional, so he read it to her!
So, before she got home on Wednesday night, I decided to make her an engagement cake! And since we're all watching what we eat and Clara's big on getting in shape for the wedding, I decided to make it a Rice Krispie cake. I'm really happy with how it turned out!
And then we took some ring shots! (I know they all look the same, but I couldn't choose!)
Didn't Bob do a great job?!? I think so! We're expecting that their wedding will be in July, so I'm excited for all the planning that will happen between now and then!
Congratulations, Clara and Bob!
Yay! Thank you! And the cake was/is delicious...and way too fun :)
Your cake is so precious!! :) Great Job Lauren!!
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