Friday, October 29, 2010

wait, really?!

We don't really have an official "pantry" in our house, so all four of us have just split up the cabinet space for our own grocery storage.  I've heard that "If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life," so I try to keep my cabinets really neat and separated by food I might need for a certain time of day.  But I store most vegetables that don't need to be refrigerated on the second shelf.

A few weeks ago, I bought a couple onions because I thought I might use them for fajitas, salsa, etc.  I'm not even kidding, I opened my cabinets the other day and found this:

Y'all.  That onion straight up SPROUTED.  It's not even damp in our kitchen or anything, it just decided to bust open.  I'm extremely OCD about having a clean kitchen (dishes in the sink make me absolutely cringe), but this was just too hysterical!  I'm thinking about planting it, because apparently onion flowers are quite pretty...

But seriously, how long does it take for an onion to sprout leaves that long?  I could have sworn they appeared overnight!

Oh well, Happy Friday!  And Happy Halloween!


Bekah said...

How LONG has it been since you opened that cabinet?! That's creepy. Onion claws crawling in your cabinet = NF!!!

Bo and Liz said...

Trying to figure out how the bread survived longer than the onion. Discuss.

Lauren said...

Hahaha! I JUST bought the bread this week, and it was when I was putting it away that I noticed the onion. You're right, Bekah... NF!!!

Bo and Liz said...

I bet it was a sweet onion. This time of year they don't last long. You can put them in the frig to keep them fresh a little longer.

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